星期五, 3月 20, 2009

Hong Kong Architecture Centre Facebook Group

It's finally up and running! The Official Hong Kong Architecture Centre Facebook group for the active Facebook Users to join and be updated on current and past centre events, activities and Archi Talks or just another place to post your views and comments.

So come join our group and show some support!

星期三, 3月 04, 2009

FoA Meeting 12.02.2009

Hong Kong Architecture Centre (HKArC) – Friends of Architecture (FOA) Meeting

Date: 12/02/2009

Time: 7pm to 8:30pm

Venue: G/F, 8 Peel Street, Central

Chairman of meeting: Mr. Alvin Yip

Minutes-taker: Mr. Platteen Tsang

Meeting with architecture students from Hong Kong University (HKU) and Chinese University Hong Kong (CUHK)

Both students had just taken over the duties from their predecessors in the student association / society respectively. Hence, this is the first official meeting between parties.


There are representatives from three parties: representatives from the Department of Architecture and the Faculty of Architecture, HKU; and representatives from the department of architecture, CUHK.

The representatives from the HKU Faculty of Architecture representing also students from the Department of Real Estate and Construction, Department of Urban Planning and Design, and Division of Landscape Architecture. Hence, their interests are multi-disciplinary. Representatives of the Faculty of Architecture will be addressed as RFA hereafter, while, representatives from HKU and CUHK Department of Architecture will be addressed as RDAHKU and RDACU respectively.


RFA introduced a multi-disciplinary committee called ‘Basic’, which was jointly established by 5 societies from 5 disciplinary courses in HKU. Therefore, ‘Basic’ is actually representing HKU students in the construction field. ‘Basic’ attempted to publish a journal years ago but was stopped.

RFA indicated their intention to revive the ‘Basic’ committee. However, RDACU raised the issue that involvement from CUHK is lacking.


Mr. Alvin Yip encouraged the participants to suggest potential activities for the parties to developing a closer network and enhancing communication in between, hence to grow a stronger bond, say, for the purpose to voice out louder in the future.

General feedbacks from participants upon this topic are:

1. Activities should be more academic and more informative;

2. Activities could include elements of art and design;

3. Visiting architects office and / or visits to construction sites are good considerations (Popular examples of activities include:

a. A guided tour to International Commence Centre (ICC)

b. Guided tour to places outside Hong Kong, e.g. Architecture Tour to Kaiping

c. Archi-talk by noted architects or designer such as Tadao Ando);

4. Sportive activities are not very popular;

It was suggested that a platform, such as blog or forum, could be established on the internet, so that more students could access to the most up-to-date news if they are interested.

Action: HKArC is suggested to circulate both current and proposed activities to participants for their attention.



Next Meeting

Friday 27th February 2009 5pm to 7pm

Venue: G/F 8 Peel Street, Central

It is suggested to hold regular meetings to keep all participating parties more up-to-date to each other.

Sorry for the delay but the minutes for the meeting held on 20.12.2009 will be posted shortly.

Best Regards,


星期二, 2月 17, 2009

Music and Architecure - Some Sharings after a Sci-Arc lecture of Curtis Roads: Microsound

Dear Friends,

Happy Valentine's Weekend! No matter you like architecture or not, i hope you will find this meaningful in life.

Last Wednesday, I went to Sci-Arc for Wednesday lecture as always. The lecturer and topic is "Curtis Roads: Microsound".
Curtis Roads is a composer of electrical and electroacoustic music. Who's Curtis Roads is not important of this sharing. If you want to know more about him, you can probably do a Google Search on him.

The lecture was not only about the music structure and renovation. What amazed me is the sound spatilization, the aspect of music related with space. I attached some excerpts of Road's album. Those pieces are one-minute-long. AND HERE IS ONLY ONE THING YOU NEED TO DO - close your eyes once you click "play", enjoy it.

Some might just want to close this email because Britney Spears probably sounds way better and yes, it is quite not about music, however, the sound is actually doing something. Please keep reading.

Did you see it? When you close your eyes and listen to the sound-track, do you feel the physical from the virtual? Can you imagine a distance, a interval, a contrast, a SPACE with objects, and the movement of the objects?
The space and objects in your mind could be totally different from mine. It is quite about our personal experience. Music(sound) is always motivating a feeling since prehistoric era (if you don't understand, watch any movie on your hand, see what the background music doing for you). And now, sound is no longer pitch and noise, but becoming "sound to volume" " sound to space".

This electronic-generate sound unlimited the limited of space. Although Curtis Roads said that composing these piece is more like a personal hobby/research and the whole sound-to-space is just a out-come of the composition, not much of thinking the contributions to humanities (a sci-arc student asked a question about that, and the answer quite surprised me and disappointed me after this impressive lecture), and after all this, now What can WE (as human being making noise every-single-second) actually do to link up Sound and Architecture? I leave this here.

Please feel free to write back, i will try to get back to you ASAP, i promise.


P.S. you may find the followings useful.

星期四, 1月 15, 2009

建築導賞員招募班 Archi-tour Docent Recruitment & Training Workshop

日期:  2009年1月17日星期六
時間: 早上10:30至下午1時
集合地點: 香港建築中心卑利街展廊 (中環卑利街8號地下)

日期:  2009年1月31日星期六
時間: 早上10:30至中午12時
集合地點: 香港建築中心卑利街展廊 (中環卑利街8號地下)


學員完成訓練課程及經考核後, 將被招募成為建築之旅導賞員。
查詢電話: 62220229

Docent Training Lecture
Date: Saturday 17th January 2009
Time: 10.30am to 12.00 noon
Assembly at HK Architecture Centr

Archi Tour Demonstration Workshop 
Date: Saturday 31st January 2009
Time: 10.30am to 1.00pm
Assembly at HK Architecture Centre

Upon completion of the training workshop and review, trainee will be recruited as Archi-Tour Docent.

For enquiries and reservation, please email or call us at 6222 0229 or 2805 7146.

 Application form can be downloaded here

建築講場 Archi-talk Series: 「百年香港 千禧建築」

建築是歷史的最佳寫照。利安植根香港135年, 所設計的建築由殖民時代的香港大學陸佑堂、香港法國傳道會 (現為終審庭)、花園道梅夫人婦女會主樓外部, 到60、70年代的跑馬地快活谷馬場、香港海洋公園, 以至千禧世代的香港大學嘉道理生物科學大樓及香港科學園第二期。利安的建築作品由中環出發, 延伸至香港其他地區, 以及東南亞和中東地區, 正好見證香港的歷史變遷。

講者: 林光祺先生 (Mr. Dominic KK Lam)

日期: 2009年1月16日 (星期五)
時間: 晚上七時
地點: 香港建築中心卑利街展廊
地址: 中環卑利街8號地下


Speaker:  Mr. Dominic K.K. Lam of Leigh and Orange
Date: Friday 16th January 2009
Time: 7pm
Venue: archicentre@peelstreet
Address: G/F, 8 Peel Street, Central

Free Admission
