Dear Friends,
Happy Valentine's Weekend! No matter you like architecture or not, i hope you will find this meaningful in life.
Last Wednesday, I went to Sci-Arc for Wednesday lecture as always. The lecturer and topic is "Curtis Roads: Microsound".
Curtis Roads is a composer of electrical and electroacoustic music. Who's Curtis Roads is not important of this sharing. If you want to know more about him, you can probably do a Google Search on him.
The lecture was not only about the music structure and renovation. What amazed me is the sound spatilization, the aspect of music related with space. I attached some excerpts of Road's album. Those pieces are one-minute-long. AND HERE IS ONLY ONE THING YOU NEED TO DO - close your eyes once you click "play", enjoy it.
Some might just want to close this email because Britney Spears probably sounds way better and yes, it is quite not about music, however, the sound is actually doing something. Please keep reading.
Did you see it? When you close your eyes and listen to the sound-track, do you feel the physical from the virtual? Can you imagine a distance, a interval, a contrast, a SPACE with objects, and the movement of the objects?
The space and objects in your mind could be totally different from mine. It is quite about our personal experience. Music(sound) is always motivating a feeling since prehistoric era (if you don't understand, watch any movie on your hand, see what the background music doing for you). And now, sound is no longer pitch and noise, but becoming "sound to volume" " sound to space".
This electronic-generate sound unlimited the limited of space. Although Curtis Roads said that composing these piece is more like a personal hobby/research and the whole sound-to-space is just a out-come of the composition, not much of thinking the contributions to humanities (a sci-arc student asked a question about that, and the answer quite surprised me and disappointed me after this impressive lecture), and after all this, now What can WE (as human being making noise every-single-second) actually do to link up Sound and Architecture? I leave this here.
Please feel free to write back, i will try to get back to you ASAP, i promise.
P.S. you may find the followings useful.