星期四, 7月 10, 2008

葡萄牙 Alfama 民居

跟Baixa 和 Chiado 區相比,艾花瑪(Alfama) 區給人的整體感覺比較平實,商業味淡一點。在街上流連更能夠體會到葡萄牙人不拘小節的生活閒情。在旅館陽台前曬床單,屋前擺賣從港口運來的漁獲和蔬果,街角的百年傳統食店和Fado民謠歌廳,都會令遊客對里斯本市留下更深刻的印象。

撰文及攝影: 黃德明(香港建築中心)

2 則留言:

匿名 說...

Please make the photo downable

Platteen Tsang 說...

I think Portugal shares many similarities with Spain. Both countries have closey and friendly communities, and their streets are always full of local characteristics. It is very easy to see that both Portugese and Spanish are peoples who enjoy their lives rather than simply staying alive.